Editorial Board Membership
- Social Network Analysis and Mining, Associate Editor.
- Frontiers in Big Data, Associate Editor
- International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, Associate Editor.
- Social Informatics, Area Editor.
- International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals, Editorial Review Board Member.
Special Issue Guest Editorship of Scientific Journals
- Guest Editor, Scientific Programming, a special issue on Computational Aspects of Social Network Analysis, 2014-2015, (IF=1.036 in 2012).
- Guest Editor, Soft Computing (Springer), Hybrid and Ensemble Techniques in Soft Computing: Recent Advances and Emerging Trends, 2014. (JCR-listed Journal)
- Section Editor, The Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer, 2014
- Guest Editor, Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS), Special Issue on Hybrid and Ensemble Methods in Machine Learning, Vol. 19, Issue 4, 2013. (JCR-listed Journal)
- Guest Editor, Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS), Special Issue on Advances on Social Network Applications, Vol. 18, Issue 4, 2012. (JCR-listed Journal)
- Guest Editor, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Special Issue on Hybrid and Ensemble Methods in Machine Learning, Vol. 22, 2012. (JCR-listed Journal)
- Guest Editor, New Generation Computing, Special Issue on Hybrid and Ensemble Methods in Machine Learning, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2011. (JCR-listed Journal)
- Guest Editor, International Journal of Computer Science & Applications, Special Issue on Web-based Recommender Systems, Vol. 3 Issue 3, 2006.