Keynote / invited talks
- Invited talk on "Responsible and User-controllable Artificial Intelligence", SAIL, University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, November 7, 2024.
- Invited talk on "Are we ready for AI revolution?", Wroclaw Technology Park, September 18, 2024.
- Invited talk on "Are we ready for AI revolution?", the inauguration of the academic year at Faculty of Chemistry, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, October 2, 2024.
- Invited talk on "Are we ready for AI revolution?", the inauguration of the academic year at WIT Academy, Warsaw, September 30, 2024.
- Invited talk on "NLP & AI opportunities and challenges" at Taiwan and Poland AI Summit, May 23, 2024, Taiwan and online.
- Inaugural lecture on "Artificial Intelligence: opportunities and threats". Ceremony to celebrate the establishment of the Faculty of Computer Science at AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, November 23, 2023.
- Panelist at the panel on "Science and engineering a way out of more than one crisis" at World Space Week, Wrocław, 21-22 October, 2023.
- Invited talk on "Artificial Intelligence or humans - who will win?", Dialogi nie tylko dla psychiatrów, Wrocław, 13.10.2023.
- Keynote talk on "AI and Large Language Models (LLMs): opportunities, risks, and challenges", UKMC International Conference, Eksploring Global Issues on Sustainability Across Interdisciplinary Studies, Palembang, Indonesia, October 9, 2023
- Invited talk on "Personalized NLP: context is all you need" at NLPerspectives - 2nd Workshop on Perspectivist Approaches to NLP, ECAI - 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 30 September - 5 October, 2023, Cracow, Poland.
- Interactive invited talk on ChatGPT, Dolnośląska Izba Gospodarcza, Wroclaw Technology Park, 24.04.2023
- Invited talk on "ChatGPT: From Narrow Artificial Intelligence to General Artificial Intelligence", HumanTech Meetings at SWPS University, Warsaw, April 12, 2023
- Invited talk on "Emotions in NLP" at Signal Analysis and Interpretation Laboratory (SAIL), University of Southern California, LA, CA, USA, March 20, 2023.
- Keynote talk on "Is content alone enough? Human-centred approach to affective NLP" at SENTIRE 2022 - Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction at the IEEE ICDM 2022 -the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 28 - December 1, 2022, Orlando, FL, USA.
- Invited talk on "Personalized NLP" at AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Applied Computer Science, Poland, May 25, 2022, online.
- Invited talk on "Personalized Natural Language Processing" at Jagielonian University, Poland, Artificial Intelligence in Research and Applications Seminar (AIRA), April 07, 2022, online, an English recording is available here.
- Invited talk on "Personalized Natural Language Processing (NLP)" at Intitute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences, October 25, 2021, online, an English Youtube presentation is here.
- Invited talk on "Does artificial intelligence feel emotions?" at Artificial intelligence for the development of cities and metropolitan areas, February 17, 2021.
- Invited talk on "Emotion Recognition Using Wearables: Advances and Challenges" at Emotion AI Conference, May 6, 2020, online, presentation available here
- Invited talk on "Boosting information diffusion by divided seeding" at Reverse Engineering of Social Information Processing (RENOIR), Final Conference, Satellite Session for Conference on Complex Systems 2019, 2-3 October 2019, Singapore
- Invited talk on "A cognition-driven temporal social network", University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, USA, September, 11, 2019
- Invited talk on "CogSNet: Cognition-driven Social Network & temporal network quantification" at Advanced Analytics Institute, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, February 2019
- Invited talk on "Data Science for Industry 4.0" at "Big data and digitalization in the era of Industry 4.0", NUCLEI project, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland, November 22, 2018
- Invited talk on "CogSNet: a cognition-driven temporal social network" at Complexity Sciences Center, University of California, Davis, CA, USA, February 1, 2018
- Invited talk on "Perception-based Temporal Social Networks" at iCeNSA - Interdisciplinary Center for Network Science & Applications, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, USA, November 15, 2017
- Keynote talk on "Computational network science: from data to social models" at BESC2017 - The 4th International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing Cracow, Poland, October 16-18, 2017
- Invited talk on "Sequential seeding: a meta-method boosting information diffusion coverage" at Social Influence in Networks at NetSci 2017 - International School and Conference on Network Science Indianapolis, IN, USA, June 19-23, 2017
- Invited talk on "Obliczeniowa nauka o sieciach" na seminarium PAN/PP Big Data: przetwarzanie i eksploracja, Poznań, 22.04.2016
- Keynote talk on "Relational Classification for Uniplex and Multilayer Social Networks" at IWCSN 2014 - International Workshop on Computational Social Networks within WISE 2014 - The 15th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-14 October 2014
- Invited talk on Seed Selection for Spread of Influence in Social Networks. The Informatics & Telematics Institute, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 14, 2014.
- Panelist at the panel on "Influence in social networking and its effective analysis and mining in the era of electronic communication" at ASONAM 2014 - The 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Beijing, China, August 17-20, 2014
- Invited talk on "Data-Driven Seed Selection for Spread of Influence in Temporal Social Networks" at SigmaPhi2014 - International Conference on Statistical Physics, Workshop on Human behavior, Social networks", Rhodes, Greece, 7-11 July 2014
- Invited talk on "Relational Machine Learning: Collective Classification" at Trinity College Dublin, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Ireland, June 30, 2014
- Invited talks on "Network analysis" and "SNA, Data Collection and Reduction" at Summer School "Foundation and Applications of Social Network Analysis and Mining", Athens, Greece, June 2-6, 2014
- Invited talk on "From data to human behaviour" at SOCIETY 2013 - International Conference on Social Intelligence and Technology 2013, May 8-10, 2013, State College, Pennsylvania USA.
- Wykład zaproszony "Social Network Analysis: Selected Methods and Applications" na DATESO 2012 - 12th Workshop on Databases, Texts, Specifications, and Objects, April 18-20, 2012, Zernov, Rovensko pod Troskami, Czech Republic.
- Wykład zaproszony "Zastosowania analizy sieci społecznych" na seminarium PAN "Inżynieria wiedzy", Poznań, 25 listopad 2011 (wykład odwołany z powodu nieoczekiwanych problemów zdrowotnych).
- Wykłady o analizie sieci społecznych na Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, październik 2011, Madryt, Hiszpania.
- "Social Network Analysis in Applications" na BDAS'11 - VII Krajowa Konferencja "Bazy Danych: Aplikacje i Systemy". 31 maja - 03 czerwca 2011, Ustroń, Polska.
- "Data Mining" na Friedrich-Alexander Univeristy Erlangen-Norymberga, Niemcy, 2009.
- "SoDiG - Social Value in Dynamic Groups", British Telecom, Ipswich, Wielka Brytania, 2008.
- "Social Network Analysis in Telecommunication", British Telecom, Ipswich, Wielka Brytania, 2008.
- "Data Warehouses and Data Mining" na Friedrich-Alexander Univeristy Erlangen-Norymberga, Niemcy, 2005.