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Przemysław Kazienko
I am a full professor at The Department of Artificial Intelligence, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Wroclaw Tech - Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland.
Since 2013, I have been a leader of ENGINE - The European Centre for Data Science. I also lead research groups: (1) ImpactAI - the impact of AI on humans incl. manipulation of LLMs (since 2024), (2) Emognition, which works on analysis of affective states and wearable technologies (since 2019), (3) HumaNLP focusing on human perspective in natural language processing (since 2020), including development and analysis of Large Language Models (LLMs). Previously, I led Social Network Group and Data Science Group. Feel invited to cooperate with us!
In 2018, we launched a new data science master programme, later converted into artificial intelligence master programme. It is the master programme with the greatest number of candidates per position at our university. Our undegraduate programme in AI will start in 2025.
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Katedra Sztucznej Inteligencji, Wydział Informatyki i Telekomunikacji
Wyb.Wyspiańskiego 27, D21, room 225
50-370 Wrocław, Poland
Phone: 71 320-36-09